Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hotness of the Week: Extra Spicy!

I know I always say that big things are brewing here at KGB, but ho man! Just you wait and see! These are very exciting times!  Read on for the Hotness!  Also, there's an announcement concerning our contest. (Spoiler alert- it's canceled! Just kidding! It's fine!)

New Releases

It's a week full of games, none of which are we covering, including:
Forza 4
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
Might and Magic: Heroes VI
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
Red Dead Redemption: Game of the Year Edition


Our excellent podcast, KGB Radio is going strong, and we've got some great entries for our Battlefield 3 contest.  There's still time to enter though, so check out Episode 2 for full contest rules and how to enter for a chance to win a free copy of Battlefield 3!  Since we're talking about the contest now, we realized a little late that the 15th is a Saturday, and we'd really like to give the winner enough time to claim his/her prize.  So we're going to end the contest a day early.  The new end date for the contest is Friday, October 14.  Sorry about that, but we want to announce the winner on this week's podcast, so stay tuned and listen in when the podcast posts (usually Sunday) to find out if you've won!

     Rock can barely contain his excitement!

Follow Known_Griefers on Twitter

1 comment:

  1. Well, we covered Forza in the podcast, RDR is one of my favorite games of all time, and you probably already know if you're interested in Dead Rising and Ace Combat. So there ya go, covered.
