Monday, April 30, 2012

KGB Radio Episode 28: Everybody Loves the Scatman

Join us as Rock, Chris, Pat and Zack as we talk about Prey 2, DayZ,  Rayman: Legends and the WiiU, Call of Duty in the future, and more! Also, we talk about the great Mr. Scatman John, a lot.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Win a FREE Copy of Resident Evil: Revelations!

That's right, boys and girls! It's time for another contest! Thanks to our friends over at Capcom-Unity, we've got not one, but two copies of Resident Evil: Revelations to give away! 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hey Guys, Nintendo Just Lost a Lot of Money.

In news that I'm sure will be heartbreaking to hear for KGB Nintendo super-fans Pat and Zack, the big N just posted a huge loss for the 2011 fiscal year. That means that from April 2011 to March 2012, Nintendo lost over $530,000,000. That'd be like losing a million dollars 530 times. Which seems like an awful lot.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dragon's Dogma: Hands-On First Impressions

After getting a little hands on time with Dragon's Dogma at PAX East, Rock left feeling even more excited about a game he'd already been greatly anticipating. Now that the demo is out, Rock checks back in to get his grubby mitts on the game one more time before it releases!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

DayZ: The Zombie Game You Damn Kids Keep Asking For

It's not often that I would set out to write about an amazing game, only to find myself drawn to talking about a very new, very unpolished mod for it, but that's the situation I find myself in today. For all of the folks who talk about “that zombie game”, the multiplayer game with dozens of players, where you need to scavenge for supplies in an open world, avoiding zombies and potentially murderous survivors alike. The zombie game where you need to eat, and drink, and find some way just to exist in a broken, shattered world. Folks, I'm happy to say this game is a reality, and if you own a copy of ArmA 2: Combined Ops, you could be playing it right now. Welcome to DayZ.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

"GODDAMN IT!" Trials Evolution Review

Years after the release of Trials HD, RedLynx has unleashed another monster upon Xbox Live Arcade. Trials Evolution is the next step for the franchise, and a true "EVOLUTION" of the...ugh. Nevermind, I'm not even going to sink low enough to make that pun. Trials Evolution is a goddamned son of a bitch, and I mean that in the best way possible.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MOBA? Sounds Like a Whole Lotta Hoopla to Me!

Surpriselove tackles the big questions of our gaming generation: What is a MOBA game? Why would we ever play such a thing? How does incorporating the use of bro in team chat make me a good or bad player? How many boots are too many boots? Sit back and relax as KGB's prodigal son Surpriselove gently guides you through the world of MOBAs.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Operating on Raccoon City: Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Review

A while back, there were rumors about a new squad-based Resident Evil game. It was to be developed by Slant Six, and would change the pace from survival horror to a more action based game. From my recollection, many fans were revolted by this concept (including yours truly), and by the choice of developer. Practically everyone in the fan community dismissed the game as just a rumor, a misguided concept that would never even be imagined.

We were wrong.

Monday, April 16, 2012

KGB Radio Episode 27: LIVE From...An Apartment...!

Woo! Join Rock, Pat, Zack, and returning guest Matt in another KGB LIVE cast! We talk about The Witcher series, recap Pat's PAX East, declare the winner of our Eben 07 contest, and announce a new contest! Aw yeah! Oh, right, and Chris is dead. Swallowed whole by a toddler...snake.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Assassin's Creed III: Hands-Off First Impressions

For what it's worth, Assassin's Creed has become quite possibly my favorite series of this current generation. Between the AC series and Mass Effect, I feel as if I have been personally spoiled by the gaming Gods over the past 5 years. I simply can't get enough of the tight parkour action, mixed with incredibly well done alternative-history that Assassin's Creed provides in spades. I will admit to being a little burnt out across the "Ezio Trilogy" that recently wrapped up, though. That is why it was such a pleasure to see Assassin's Creed III, the 57th Assassin's Creed game, take such a thematic leap when it was unveiled earlier this year. We here at KGB got a chance to watch an exclusive preview of Assassin's Creed III at PAX East, and while short, the demo left me salivating.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Max Payne 3: Hands-On First Impressions

Rockstar Games has nearly stolen the show the past few years at PAX East. Generally not a major player at conventions such as E3, R* has wisely decided to bring their wares to the Penny Arcade Expo, allowing their most hardcore fans access to the next big thing. Last year, L.A. Noire was shown to the general public for the first time ever at PAX East, and this year, Max Payne 3 was made playable for eager fans of shooting guys in the face. KGB had the chance to play through a 15 minute demo, and we were left wanting more.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Aliens: Colonial Marines: Hands-On First Impressions

Rock has been an enormous fan of the Alien series of movies since he was a kid. Sadly, almost every game based on the franchise has been a bit of a let down. Imagine Rock's excitement when Aliens: Colonial Marines was announced! Rock's been dying to get his mitts on this game for a long time now, and he finally gave it a go at this year's PAX East! Note: It should be mentioned that whenever the Alien movies are mentioned as being great, Rock is only referring to the first three movies in the series. Forget about any other abomination which features the dreaded xenomorph, this is the good stuff!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Orcs Must Die! 2: Hands-On First Impressions

Rock absolutely loved the first Orcs Must Die!, so he was definitely excited to get the chance the play the sequel at PAX East 2012!

Monday, April 9, 2012

KGB Radio PAX East 2012 Sunday Spectacular: Easter Edition

Join Rock, Chris, and Zack as we talk about our third and final day at PAX East 2012. It's quick, dirty, and we're all exhausted. We discuss quick impressions of Assassin's Creed III, Max Payne 3, X-Com: Enemy Unknown and more. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

KGB Radio PAX East 2012 Saturday Extravaganza

Join Rock, Chris, and Zack as we talk about our first two days at PAX East 2012. It's quick, dirty, and we are eating burritos while recording. It's not pretty, but we saw some great games you need to hear about. Enjoy!

Double Dragon Neon: Hands-On First Impressions

For the better part of the past ten years, WayForward Technologies has become the developer of choice for publishers looking to reboot classic 2D franchises. A Boy and His Blob, Thor, BloodRayne, and Aliens have all been worked on by WayForward, and have usually received critical and commercial success. It is little surprise then, that WayForward has been called upon to reboot the Double Dragon games for the new generation of games. We recently had the chance to play the first public build of Double Dragon Neon, and were pleasantly pleased with what we saw.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

KGB at PAX East: Join the Shenanigans!

If you're planning on heading to Beantown this weekend for PAX East, keep an eye out for us! Rock, Chris, Zack, and Pat will all be at the big show, and we're gonna be providing lots of content from the show floor.

KGB Radio: LIVE!
Each night of the show, KGB Radio will come to you fresh from the exhibition hall. We'll be recording quick and dirty podcasts with our impressions of what we've seen and what we're looking forward to the next day. We're going to try our best to have some special guests, so keep an eye on iTunes!

KGB Surveillance
We're bringing along a video camera, too. So expect some silly travel videos, and possibly a guerrilla style KGB Surveillance. We're going to be playing some videogames in our hotel room, and it's possible money may become involved.

Cosplay Appreciation
Girls in skimpy clothing!

We'll be doing our damndest to snag interviews with interesting people from throughout the industry.

If you happen to spy us on the show floor, please come over and say hi! We're pretty friendly dudes, and also fairly good-looking if I don't say so myself. Anyway, we look forward to bringing you the silliest coverage of PAX possible!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Which Of My Friends Must Die?: Chaos Rings 2 Review- Part 1

Rock has had a long love affair with JRPGs, but usually finds himself too busy to really dive into them.  So how does he do with a game specifically designed for the device that no adult is without: a cell phone!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

KGB Radio Episode 26: We'll Do It LIVE!

Join us for our first KGB Radio LIVEcast! Which, in this case, means we recorded it all together in the same room. It's just like being there! Rock, Chris, Pat, and Zack discuss Sine Mora, playing Deus Ex wrong, taking the Journey, THQ layoffs, and offer some unsolicited advice for Yahoo! Answers users.

Hotness of the Week: April 3rd, 2012

It's that time again! New games are headed to stores shelves, and new content is on its' way to KGB. Check out all the latest info here. Also, a sneak peek at the hottest Kinect game yet!