About Us

We're a small collective of people who have a passion for playing and writing about games.

Rockmotron: Editor Editor

About: A robot from the future, sent back in time to teach mankind how to love. Also, loves RPGs.

Favorite Game: Baldur's Gate

ProTip: In the city of Nashkel, the names on the headstones in the cemetery are the names of the developers.

Find me on Xbox Live: Rockmotron

Follow Rock on Twitter: @Known_Griefers

Chris Linendoll: Features Editor 

About: Sarcastic. Addicted to hummus. Father. Lover.

Favorite Game: WCW/ nWo Revenge

ProTip: You can unlock Wrath using a GameShark.

Follow Chris on Twitter: @CLinendoll


Humor Tumor: Reviews 

About:  So infatuated with Resident Evil it gave him a tumor

Favorite Game: Resident Evil: Director's Cut

ProTip: Dual Shocks are good for massages

Follow Humor Tumor on Twitter: @Humor_Tumor

Zack Keyes:Ghost

About: Elusive.

Favorite Game: Final Fantasy VII. And most JRPGs.

ProTip: Zack is often asleep by 10pm.

Follow Zack on Twitter: @ChiptuneChipmnk

Pat Ronk: KGB Radio Co-Host

About: Pat co-hosts KGB Radio, but sadly, never learned to read or write.

Favorite Game: RapeLay

ProTip: Pat procrastinates.

Follow Pat on Twitter:@PatRonkSays

D. Bethel: Contributing Writer

About: DBethel never has enough time, but when he does, he makes comics at Eben07.com

Favorite Game: I Am Alive.

ProTip: Nib holders. For holding your nibs.

Follow Dan on Twitter: @DBethel

Adam Marcey: Reviews

About: Adam is KGB's resident Star Wars fanboy.

Favorite Game: Hockey.

ProTip: Adam is too cool for Twitter.