Another week, another installment of OH GOD WHY?!, in which I play the worst games I can find, and then share my rage with you. This week, revel in the joy that is PenPen TriIceLon for the Sega Dreamcast.
The Sega Dreamcast is a system that has become romanticized since its heyday in the late 1990s. Launching four years to the day after the original Sony Playstation, the Dreamcast blew away its contemporaries in almost every way conceivable. The graphics were crisp and t

The system was barely able to survive for two years though, as the Playstation 2 was about to release in 2000, and Electronic Arts refused to publish games for it. The fact that games such as Madden and other EA Sports titles never appeared on the Dreamcast effectively smothered the Sega system in its crib. Just like Casey Anthony. That kept the library of titles much smaller and weirder than it otherwise would have been. Which brings us to the shit show that is Pen Pen TriIceLon.
Delivered unto this world by Infogrames in 1999, PenPen TriIceLon, apart from being a bitch to type, is bafflingly odd. At its core, the game is a mascot kart racer, but without the karts. That’s right. It’s as if your uncle gave you a dirtbike as a child, only to tell you he did

You know you’re in for a well-controlling experience when the Controls screen lists 5 of the 7 Dreamcast buttons as being “Not Used.” The analog stick is used for PenPen controls, and the A button is used to “stroke.” Something something masturbation joke. The B button is labeled as “attack” but you might as well just forget that, since the attack your PenPen performs ends up knocking them down and effectively sabotaging yourself in the race. Which would probably piss you off if this game wasn’t a sack of dicks.
There are 3 main modes of play: TriIceLon, Vs. IceLon, and Time Trial. The courses can be raced in short, medium, or long forms, and there’s a whopping 4 to choose from. It’s worth noting here that the “owner” of the Jungle stage; Unga Pogo is the most racist thing this side of Al Jolson. It’s as if they unfroze Walt Disney’s head, stuck a pen in his mouth, and told him to go all fuckin’ out on this one, Walt.
There are 8 PenPen to chose from, who all appear to be mentally challenged in one way or another. No lie, one even wears a helmet. It’s like they weren’t even trying. I guess they’re supposed to be ice creatures, but a more appropriate description would be “abomi

Once into a race the PenPens travel across land, water, and ice in a manner that could only be described as cat-kickingly frustrating. The water portions of the races are disorienting due to the fact that the developers chose not to texture the ground, making it look as though you’re swimming in Miracle Whip. There’s no sort of Mario Kart-like power ups or weapons, but for a rainbow vortex that gives you a speed boost for about a second. That means that most races are reduced to the PenPens bouncing off of each other like Helen Keller at a key party. There’s also a two player mode, which is as basic as you could imagine, with both players racing to be the one to shut the game off first.
PenPen TriIceLon is a competent game, but is in no way fun. I imagine the design meeting for this game consisted of “make Mario Kart, but for assholes." Between the racist, mentally challenged characters, the bland racetracks, and the incessant MIDI soundtrack, I challenge anyone to play this game longer than an hour. If you can even find it. I’ll sell you mine for $10. Come and get it.

Christopher Linendoll really regrets agreeing to do this feature sometimes. He can be reached via Twitter, or carrier pigeon.
Hahahaha, "something something masturbation joke"
ReplyDeleteI will buy said game for a hald eaten slice of bread with jelly and this empty mash potatoes container.
He will NOT be selling it because it is MINE. And NOT FOR SALE. He's just got his thong in a bunch because I whupped him (like a nun whups a schoolboy) in this game. And also, I wish to publicize Mister big bad game criticizer also gets his ass whupped by a girl in Street Fighter, as well. Boom.
ReplyDeleteBut Holly, you're welcome to come play it with me ANYTIME.
ReplyDeleteI am a master button masher. None can defeat my Street Fighter bashing techniques!
ReplyDeleteI think the bomb just got dropped.......shit just got real
ReplyDeleteHolly, you don't stand a chance in SF against me. Seriously. Come over and challenge me, but bring tissues for when you lose!
ReplyDeleteI would like to mention that PenPen is everything as terrible as Chris said it was....and more.
I knew changing the comment system was a bad idea.
ReplyDeleteIve played this wretched game.
ReplyDeleteseriously? that's tragilarious!
ReplyDeletethis game should be legend.
ReplyDeleteHorrible review. Just taking stabs at the weirdness and arbitrary parts of a game, and nothing about the actual gameplay. Also, ironic how you seem to attest the racist caricature in Unga Pongo, which is obviously horrible, but then use "mentally challenged" as an insult to describe these innocent characters with no other indication of them being what you claim, aside from your clearly ableist prejudice. Apparently you think wearing a helmet is an indicator of being mentally challenged, but I think you missed the fact that this is a racing game where the pen pen they slide down mountains and slam into stuff? and you assume everyone agrees that a single hermaphrodite character is a reason in itself not to like the game. Fun fact, basically every octopus is a hermaphrodite. Yes, in real life. That should not be a bombshell in any way, shape, or form, yet it's apparently too much for your smooth brain to handle. And a tasteful jab at blind-deaf people to top it off. This review deserves no respect. Even aside from all that, you clearly didn't unlock any of the additional content which can be done by simply playing the game... which you were too triggered by an octopus to even do. Try again asshole.