Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hotness of the Week: 2/19/13

The first big retail week of the year is finally here! Plus, some major Sony news this week!

Hey Griefers!

It's been a while, but this week things are finally picking up again in the world of videogames. Two major releases are hitting store shelves, and Sony is poised to unveil the next-generation PlayStation 4 on Wednesday!

First up, here's what's on store, and digital, shelves today:
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3, 360)
  • Crysis 3 (PS3, 360, PC)
  • Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington (PS3, 360, WiiU, PC)
  • F-Zero (WiiU)
  • Capcom Arcade Cabinet (XBLA, PSN)

And get ready for Sony's major announcement tomorrow. It's almost certainly going to be the public debut of the PlayStation 4, and I'll be sure to try my hardest to live-tweet the press conference. That's always a fun time. It's scheduled to go off at 6pm EST.
Follow me on Twitter: @CLinendoll 

Also, as far as site-stuff goes, we recorded a podcast that got lost forever due to an unfortunate alcohol-related mishap, so KGB Radio's triumphant return will have to wait a bit longer. Pat and I might stream some games on his Twitch channel, so check that out. 

Also, be sure to follow our Facebook page, as we're always posting silliness over there. There's a link up top. Click it. Go on. Do it. Maybe we'll send you something. We have a lotta prizes to give away.

What's the frequency, Christopher Linendoll? Follow him on Twitter.

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