Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? My Lost Year of (Not) Gaming

Look, we know.

We've been taking it VERY slow here at Known Griefers. And I totally put most of that on myself. 2013 was a hell of a year, personally and professionally, and I'm glad it's behind us. So let's get back on track for 2014, waddya say? You guys still like to party?

So I guess I should start off this post with some sort of update. And I guess there's not really much to say. If you were awesome enough to catch the few podcasts we put out in the last few months, you know that the KGB core group has been scattered to the wind. Rock, Zack, and myself all got new jobs. Pat got a new house, with a much worse internet connection. In short, life happened.

Over that time, gaming got pushed further and further into the background, especially for myself. My old 360 has seemingly been on its last legs for quite a few months now, and my free time has been more and more monopolized by an erratic work schedule, technical hiccups, and just a real sense of having no desire to play anything available to me. On top of that, the sudden July 4th loss of personal idol Ryan Davis really, really got me down.

Still miss you, Ryan.

And really, that last point may be the most telling. If truth be told, I only completed one major release of 2013: Tomb Raider. And that was in the first few weeks of the year! For one reason or another, I just never found myself NEEDING to play Bioshock Infinite, GTA V, Arkham Origins, or any of the other games I would've been dying for in previous years. As the year came to a close, I finally got around to playing Assassin's Creed IV. But even then, I merely rented it from the local Redbox.

Which I subsequently forgot to return, so I now own, along with Star Wars Angry Birds.

So what's on deck? Well, we're heading out to Boston for PAX East yet again, and after last year's lackluster show, my hopes are high that we'll see some cool games, cool people, and have some great times. If you're headed out to Beantown this year, please say hello. We could all use it.

Chris Linendoll is back. Find him on Twitter.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It has been slow. I've been super busy with 2 jobs, and just recently got engaged. I'll be writing a Titanfall beta impressionhopefully. And I have a killer idea for reviewing a slew of videogamebased films
