Monday, June 9, 2014

Far Cry 4 Shows Off its Main Villain

Ubisoft's Monday afternoon press conference was a roller coaster of emotions, but it started off in a fantastic way.

The opening segment of Far Cry 4 was shown in which you arrive in the Himalayas on a bus that is immediately destroyed by soldiers. You also meet the main villain of Far Cry 4, who has an unknown reason for wanting to meet you. He mentioned that he recognized your eyes, whatever that means.

This villain seems to have the same lovable craziness that made Vaas such a great character. He begins the game properly by stabbing one of his soldiers multiple times before complaining about getting blood on his shoes. He also takes a selfie with your character and explains that you will have a wonderful adventure together.

What in the hell is going on?

Far Cry 4 is one of my most anticipated games of E3, and I can't wait to spend time in the Himalayas. I have no idea what is going on with the main character and the villain, but finding out will be fantastic.

John is a big fan of nerdy things, and he has an unhealthy obsession with coffee. Follow him on 

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