Monday, July 14, 2014

KGB Surveillance: The Forest


Rock and Pat take a walk through the insanely creepy survival horror game, The Forest. It's kind of like That Terrible M. Night Shyamalan Movie, only , you know, actually pretty scary.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Far Cry 4 Shows Off its Main Villain

Ubisoft's Monday afternoon press conference was a roller coaster of emotions, but it started off in a fantastic way.

The opening segment of Far Cry 4 was shown in which you arrive in the Himalayas on a bus that is immediately destroyed by soldiers. You also meet the main villain of Far Cry 4, who has an unknown reason for wanting to meet you. He mentioned that he recognized your eyes, whatever that means.

This villain seems to have the same lovable craziness that made Vaas such a great character. He begins the game properly by stabbing one of his soldiers multiple times before complaining about getting blood on his shoes. He also takes a selfie with your character and explains that you will have a wonderful adventure together.

What in the hell is going on?

Far Cry 4 is one of my most anticipated games of E3, and I can't wait to spend time in the Himalayas. I have no idea what is going on with the main character and the villain, but finding out will be fantastic.

John is a big fan of nerdy things, and he has an unhealthy obsession with coffee. Follow him on 

Battlefield Hardline Shows off Bank Robbing During E3

Battlefield Hardline was leaked a few weeks ago, but none of the information was confirmed until EA's E3 press conference on Monday afternoon.

EA showed off Hardline during the conference and showcased some of the team-based bank robbing. The gameplay footage showed a team of robbers trying to escape with their loot while another team of police and swat chased them down.

The trailer showed a variety of vehicles and weapons, including a Louisville Slugger that could be used on enemies. Additionally,  players in the demo made use of Parachutes and zip-lines while escaping the police.

Battlefield Hardline is now available in beta for the Playstation 4.


The trailer looked pretty great. I had a lot of fun with Battlefield 4 (when it was working), so I could definitely get behind some Cops and Robbers in the style of Battlefield. 

John is a big fan of nerdy things, and he has an unhealthy obsession with coffee. Follow him on 

Rise of the Tomb Raider Revealed at E3 2014

Crystal Dynamics revealed the sequel to Tomb Raider during the Microsoft E3 Press Conference.

Rise of the Tomb Raider was revealed as a Holiday 2015 title that follows Lara Croft after the events of the Tomb Raider reboot. The trailer shows a stressed-out Lara during a therapy session, as well as clips of Lara exploring new locales.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is supposed to take Lara Croft to many different hostile environments around the world. During this journey, she will climb rocks and murder enemies with her trusty bow and arrow. 

I absolutely loved the Tomb Raider reboot, and I can't wait to go back to killing with her bow and arrow. Plus, the trailer showed Lara being chased by a bear. Hopefully, this means more hunting. 

John is a big fan of nerdy things, and he has an unhealthy obsession with coffee. Follow him on

New Witcher III Gameplay Shows Geralt's Murdering Ability

Microsoft spent their entire 90-minute E3 press conference showing off games, games, and more games. Included in that presentation was new footage from The Witcher III: Wild Hunt.

This gameplay footage showed off the world of The Witcher III, as well as the updated inventory system. Geralt is hunting a Griffin as part of his Witcher duties, which culminates in a battle with the monster.

The Witcher III seems to be in fine form and well on its way to a successful release.

The Witcher III looks like it will expand on the previous combat and storytelling from the first two games, but I'm more excited about the amount of violence. Geralt straight up chopped a dude in half like Kate Beckinsale did in Underworld. I can't wait for this game. 

John is a big fan of nerdy things, and he has an unhealthy obsession with coffee. Follow him on

Assassins Creed Unity Reveals Story-Based Cooperative Play

Ubisoft has revealed new information about Assassins Creed Unity during the Microsoft Presser at E3 2014.

Unity is set in France during the French Revolution, but that is not the truly important news. What's important is the fact that Assassins Creed Unity will feature four-player cooperative play during the campaign. The gameplay demo showed off four players controlling different assassins in an effort to infiltrate a castle and murder some aristocrat. 

The demo ended with a fancy example of Unity's graphical capability when the French villain was beheaded by the peasants. 

Assassins Creed had been reaching a point of lower returns until Black Flag was released last year. I do think that the co-op in Unity looks fantastic, and I can't wait for the French Revolution setting. Hopefully, Unity fulfills the promise. 

John is extremely excited about random nerdy things, and he has an unhealthy obsession with coffee. follow him on Twitter

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Far Cry 4 Arriving in November 2014

The UbiBlog announced on May 15 that Far Cry 4 is real, and it is set in the Himalayas. 

According to the post, Far Cry 4 leaves the tropical setting of Far Cry 3 and heads to a wild region known as Kyrat, where a self-appointed king rules. Not much is known about this king, but Ubisoft promises more information at a later date. 

Executive Producer Dan Hay provided information about Ubisoft's hope for Far Cry 4. "Following the success of Far Cry 3, we wanted to take the franchise to the next level and create a game that will surprise players and exceed fans’ expectations." 

Ubisoft Montreal is developing Far Cry 4 with the assistance of Red Storm Entertainment, Ubisoft Toronto, Ubisoft Shanghai, and Ubisoft Kiev. 

Far Cry 4 will be shown during Ubisoft's annual E3 press conference on June 9. 

If the cover art is any indication, this new villain looks to share the psychotic charm that Vaas had in Far Cry 3, which would be downright wonderful. We don't know anything about the "varied vehicles and wildlife" that Ubisoft mentions in the blog post, but we are hoping that Far Cry 4 will bring back the wing suit and include rideable animals…like an elephant. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Cinema Junk: Resident Evil

 Cinema Junk is all about the exploration of different films, good or bad. In this entry, Humor Tumor sets out on the task to begin a series of reviews to cover every video game movie released. To begin it all, he starts where it mattered the most to him....with Resident Evil. *spoilers contained*

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Titanfall Beta: Thoughts and Impressions

 So the beta for Titanfall came and went, and it seems that the whole gaming world is actively praising the game for what it has set out to do. Read on to see Humor Tumor's thoughts on the game, and his expectations.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? My Lost Year of (Not) Gaming

Look, we know.

We've been taking it VERY slow here at Known Griefers. And I totally put most of that on myself. 2013 was a hell of a year, personally and professionally, and I'm glad it's behind us. So let's get back on track for 2014, waddya say? You guys still like to party?