Tuesday, May 29, 2012

KGB Radio Episode 31: Curt Schilling

Join in on our man on man on man session with Rock, Chris, and Pat.  We discuss speed runs for charity, Dragon's Dogma, and 38 Studios. Again.  We also discuss the merits of Boba Fett as a character.

Subscribe to us on iTunes. We'd love to see some new ratings and reviews as well! Keep those reviews coming people! We love feedback!



Coolest Star Wars character ever.


Here are links to some things mentioned on the show 
Hands on Second Impressions: Dragon's Dogma
KGB Top 5: Games We'd like to See at E3 2012

You're Out! 38 Studios Lays Off Entire Staff

Burning Question For Answer: So Hot! 

What is your favorite gaming peripheral? Answer in the comments!

 Do you have a question you'd like us to read on the show?  If so, write us at knowngriefers@gmail.com We will read anything you send us.

Rock never got that Power Glove he wanted. Bullet dodged




  1. Did I tell you the Curt Schilling story that happened at PAX East 2011?

    He had a panel for 38 studios about the game Kingdom of Amalur, and when he was introduced about his sports accomplishments not a single person clapped.

    1. Haha no I hadn't heard that! Not really surprised, though. I'm sure there is some overlap between baseball fans and PAX East attendees, but it can't be a large one. Furthermore, how many of his fans even knew he was doing this? I didn't even realize that he was at PAX East last year, but then, KoA wasn't really on my radar at that point.

    2. That makes me smile quite a bit. That friggin guy.

  2. The NES Max rocked my gaming world back in the day and, also, was an obvious progenitor to modern console controller design.
