Monday, March 5, 2012

KGB Radio Episode 23: Galactic Assassin

Join Rock, Chris, Pat and Zack as we gush over Assassin's Creed 3 and get all hot and bothered over Mass Effect 3. Also, deep alien discussions ensue.

Until further notice, our streaming player is officially not working anymore.  It's out of our hands, but we'll bring it back as soon as it's fixed.  In the meantime, subscribe to us on iTunes. We'd love to see some new ratings and reviews as well!  Thanks! 


I told you this existed!

The infamous FemShep running animation

Here are links to some things mentioned on the show

Amalur Adventures: Hands on With Kingdoms of Amalur- Part 2
KGB Interview: Hugh Sterbakov of City Under the Moon, Robot Chicken and Lots of Other Awesome

Burning Question For Answer: So Hot!

What are your non-gaming hobbies? Answer in the comments!

Do you have a question you'd like us to read on the show?  If so, write us at
We will read anything you send us.

Rock really wishes there was a game called Galactic Assassin


  1. Astronomy, reading, photography (taking pictures and collecting cameras/camera accessories), I collect trading cards, I travel an ungodly amount and I collect tattoos on my body. I think that sums it up.

  2. Oh and I collect a lot of Star Wars things. A lot.

  3. I play a lot of Pen and Paper RPG's, and occasionally I save a few lives. I'm like nerdy Superman with a sphygmomanometer.

    1. Oh yeah...gotta watch those sphygmomans right? Of course.....

    2. Sphygomoman is actually my Sidekick. He's a pretty rad guy.

  4. I play fantasy football, collect Legos, and play cover songs with my brother and a friend. we have only been playing music for a short while, but it is a lot of fun.

    1. Legos are great. Although I sincerely miss the basic Legos. Now everything is part of some damn licensed set. I always enjoyed just making my own designs.
