Thursday, February 2, 2012

KGB Top 5: Our Favorite Easter Eggs

Sometimes developers throw little things hidden deep in their games, just waiting for dedicated fans to find them. These "Easter Eggs" have become more and more over-the-top over the years, and we here at KGB are celebrating our favorite Easter Eggs in games. Here we go!

5. Duke Nukem 64: The Castle Dukenstein Monster

Duke Nukem 64 features this weirdo of an egg. In order to access the "Castle Dukenstein Monster", one has to play a multi-player game on the Castle Dukenstein map. After jumping through some co-operative hoops, a wall opens up, revealing the "monster" in the castle. Although the monster appears to be nothing more than a 3 1/4 inch floppy disk with some cool stickers on it.

4. Batman Arkham Asylum: Hidden Map to Arkham City

Sometimes Easter Eggs aren't actually found by the players. Sometimes, they're so well hidden they go unnoticed for years. And if you're Rocksteady, the developer of Arkham Asylum, you wait about 6 months and then just go ahead and tell people about what you hid in their favorite game. In this case, the map to what would become to follow-up to Arkham Asylum: Arkham City.

It takes quite a bit of confidence to include something as ballsy as this in your game. I guess Rocksteady knew they had hit upon paydirt with Arkham Asylum, and simply couldn't wait to plot out where their series was going to go once the first game ended. Located inside a secret room in Mayor Sharpe's office, the wall is adorned with a blueprint for Arkham City, with a big, bold, rubber-stamped APPROVED logo in the corner. I guess finding things like this is how Batman always has a plan for everything.

3. Star Wars Rogue Squadron: Naboo Starfighter

This Easter Egg is another one that took a long time before fans found out about it. During the development of Rogue Squadron, Episode I was being crafted by Jowly George. Pre-production art of the Naboo Starfighter was handed off to Factor 5, and they included a playable model of the ship in this N64 classic. There was one problem, however: Episode I was still half a year away from releasing in theaters. In order to avoid spoilers, this in-game code for the Naboo fighter was hidden deep within the source files, in an attempt to keep it out of the hands of those filthy GameSharks.

Once The Phantom Menace was released, Factor 5 released the passcode to unlock the Naboo Starfighter, pleasing 14 year-old Mes everywhere. Tho Naboo fighter was sleek, fast, and yellow, completely unlike all the other Rebel ships in the game. Seeing this prequel ship in a game I already owned rocked my world. It's too bad the movie was turds, though.

2. Resident Evil 2- Brad Vickers (by HumorTumor)

A long time ago, I had read a rumor about a zombified Brad Vickers in Resident Evil 2. With no YouTube around at the time (circa 2001), and limited internet access, it was nearly impossible for me to figure out if it was real. Still, I'm a sucker for these things...and hunt for Brad Vickers I did.

The requirements for such an event was to play the game on normal, and to make it to the police station without picking up a single ammo box or weapon. That means it's you, possibly 30 rounds, and maybe...15 zombies that you need to kill. Through a lot of luck (and tons of patience), I managed to pull off the feat.

And there he was...Brad just wandering underneath the Raccoon Police Department. Now if you manage to kill him (remember, you have little ammo...and hes super tough) you get a key. This unlocks a locker in the Dark Room save area (where you can reveal 2 more secrets); and inside is an extra costume, and if you are Claire, a revolver.

1. Halo 3: The Monkey Men

While I've never been much of a Halo fan, I'm well aware of the series simply due to huge amounts of critical and commercial success it has achieved over the years. Bungie has certainly put considerable time and care into crafting the Halo Universe, and the fiction of Halo has become almost as important as the gameplay itself. Which is where the ultimate WTF Easter Egg comes in. The setting: Halo 3, the Sierra 117 level. If you use some care, the player can come across a family of Sasquatch-like "monkey people" living in the forest. I know, I didn't believe it the first time I heard about it either.

But trust me, they're there. And thats not all, in addition to this family of monkeys, another lone monkey man can be found in Sierra 117. None of these monkey people can be killed, although they DO bleed if you shoot them. Oddly, the eldest monkey person is holding a teddy bear, and that too will bleed when shot. Also, the monkey people all share the same face: that of Bungie Creative Art Director Marcus Lehto. Weird shit, man.

Christopher Linendoll loves Cadbury Eggs, too. He can be reached via Twitter, or found in the hummus section of your local grocery store.


  1. Those Halo monkey men are pure horror.

    1. Agreed, it's like Bungie not only knows how to make overrated shooters....but creepy as ape men as well

    2. they are the creatures from my nightmares...

  2. at the end of ODST, you can swivel your camera from side to side. swing it to one side and there's another of the monkeymen sitting on the dropship ramp.

    staring. at you.

  3. Wow, I accidentally words in this. All fixed now. It seems the edited/ spell-checked version didn't catch the first time this went through. I'm so embarrassed! Now you all know I'm not perfect.

  4. Killing John Romero in Doom 2.

    1. That is a good one. Also you kill Commander Keen dolls in one of the secret levels. Becuase the artist for Doom hated that game so much, he decided to have you punch the shit out of Keen

    2. I didn't know that happened. Is that different than finding his severed head? Pat is the Doom guy here at KGB.
