Sunday, December 11, 2011

KGB Radio Episode 12: Mario's Dad

Join Rock,Chris, Zack, Pat, and Humor Tumor as we discuss Miyamoto's possible departure, studio closures, and more!  Also, be sure to catch our Nintendo quiz in the second segment!


                              DOWNLOAD THE SHOW HERE!

                                          Shigeru Miyamoto's retirement speech


Here are links to some things mentioned on the show 

Trials By Fire: The Fatalism of Platforming
I Stab You! Assassin's Creed: Revelations Review

Burning Question For Answer: So Hot!

What is a backfired attempt at gaming with a significant other? Answer in the comments!

Do you have a question you'd like us to read on the show?  If so, write us at
We will read anything you send us.

     Rock sincerely wishes to take a trip to Chernobyl, any takers?



  1. You can prestige in a Call of Duty game ten times since COD4, which means you could have prestiged 50 times from the last 5 Call of Duty titles.

  2. A good thing to do might be to keep track of how many times Pat needs to cancel his Debit card over the life of the podcast. We're up to two already!

  3. hah! Yeah that's true. I'd wager two more times before the middle of next year...

  4. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  5. chris's victory cackle is going to make me flip my shit one of these days

  6. hah! Well we'll just make sure we avoid quizzes for a little while. That cackle certainly makes me laugh though, every time...

  7. Ah, so in the old days Japanese kids were conceived in Nintendo.
