Woo! Games releasing. Reviewers reviewing. The world keeps turning and we're still here. Bunch Hot shit coming up!
New Releases
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 came out, and congratulations to our contest winner, Eric!
L.A. Noire: Complete Edition is coming out for PC. Get all the DLC and everything!
Skyrim comes out Friday. Just about every KGB staff member is super excited for this one!
And the one you've all been waiting for, The Black Eyed Peas Experience comes out this week. Get hype!
Chris has posted another OH GOD WHY?! As usual, it's excellent!
I'll be revisiting a favorite feature of mine, The Pit of Despair. As Chris said on the podcast, it's like a more personal OH GOD WHY?!
KGB Radio Episode 7 is out, and we feel it's our best show yet! Also, be sure to listen in if you entered out contest, because we read every single entry! Check it out here!
We've started a small contest, where two people will win an awesome L.A. Noire poster. Entries have been pretty sparse so far, so your chances are great! Just follow us on twitter, and tweet at us the phrase "L.A. Noire"!
Rock really wants to give a few lucky people a poster!
Follow us for a chance to win! |
It's the most wonderful time of the year!