Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Memory Lane: Spyro the Dragon

In this entry of Memory Lane, our old buddy Humor Tumor delves back into an old love for a purple dragon, roast mutton, and camera issues. It's Spyro the Dragon!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

PAX East 2013 Cosplay!

PAX East 2013 is long over at this point, but we'd like to sat goodbye to this year's show with a look back at some of the best cosplay we found! Enjoy the costumes, and let us know if you found any other awesome ones! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

KGB Radio Episode 49: PAXstravaganza!

In this episode, Rock, Chris, and DBethel chat about new releases, Tomb Raider, and some big news in the industry! We then transistion to our PAX East coverage, featuring friend-of-the site AGTurbo and Zack Keyes! It's a podcast explosion!