Join Chris, Pat, Zack, Rock, and the freshly cyborged Humor Tumor as we discuss Nintendo news, industry firings, Batman, and plenty more. Also, this is your last chance to get in on our contest for a chance to win a copy of Modern Warfare 3! Contest ends November 3rd, and we'll announce the winner this Friday on the podcast!
Monday, October 31, 2011
KGB Radio Episode 6: Oh The Humanity
Join Chris, Pat, Zack, Rock, and the freshly cyborged Humor Tumor as we discuss Nintendo news, industry firings, Batman, and plenty more. Also, this is your last chance to get in on our contest for a chance to win a copy of Modern Warfare 3! Contest ends November 3rd, and we'll announce the winner this Friday on the podcast!
OH GOD WHY?! Halloween for the Atari 2600
Happy Halloween! The return of OH GOD WHY?! goes into the archives as Chris takes a look at Halloween for the Atari 2600. Read on, if you dare!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
More of the Good Stuff- DX:HR- The Missing Link
Deus Ex: Human Revolution has only been out for about two months, and the first DLC pack, The Missing Link, is out. How does it add to the game? More importantly, is it any good? Read on to find out!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hotness of The Week
Another week, and we're still here, serving you some ultra-hotness! Big week behind us, bigger weeks ahead! Hold tight, squirrel-breath!
Grand Theft Auto V Announced
This morning, Rockstar Games has pulled a Rockstar Games-like move of changing their entire web presence to announce the next game in the GTA series. Head on over to to see the new logo or just, you know, look at it right here. The first trailer will premier on November 2. Get hype!
Monday, October 24, 2011
WHERE ARE THEY?! Batman: Arkham City Review
The follow up to Arkham Asylum has some pretty big boots to fill. With Arkham City, Rocksteady has shown how you do a sequel to a masterpiece.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
KGB Radio Episode 5: Even The Losers
With one contest finished, the only logical thing to do is announce another, right? Read on for more!
Remebering the Horror: Resident Evil Retrospective 1996-2000
In 1996, a genre was defined. Up until then, Survival Horror was a niche genre, with only a few, mostly obscure entries. Alone in the Dark set a lot of the basics for what would comprise the genre for years to come back in 1992, and Resident Evil was the first title to truly take on that style of gameplay. Making a love child out of Sweet Home and Alone in the Dark, Resident Evil managed to do many things very well. But one thing made it truly stand out...It made you scream like a little girl.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Of Savings and Fungus and Beer: Captain Clearance
While sifting through dozens upon dozens of reader emails I came across something a little...different. This man, who will only allow us to address him as “Captain Clearance”, wanted to write for us! We get a lot of requests like this, and I would normally tell this guy to take a hike, but when I heard his story I just couldn't refuse. Unlike that Surpriselove guy, the Captain seems to not only know what this site is about, he even wrote a little something for your consideration. I hope you find it.....interesting....
(To preserve the flavor of the
Captain's writing certain spelling errors have been left in)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Batman: Arkham City Hands-On First Impressions
OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD...Chris goes hands-on into Arkham City, and lives to tell the tale.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Hotness of The Week: Victory Edition!
Well, our first contest has come and gone, and it was....interesting. Read on for more about that, as well as a metric boat load of other awesomeness!
Monday, October 17, 2011
KGB Radio Episode 4: Epic Win!
Hey-O! Did you win the Battlefield 3 contest? Tune in to find out!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
A Real Known Griefer: Killer Karrit Interviewed
Given that our site is called "Known Griefers", I thought it appropriate that we interview someone who's griefing exploits have been viewed by people the world over. Sporting almost 19,000 followers of his YouTube channel, Killer Karrit has been generating the lulz for quite a while now. Sit back and enjoy Rock's friendly chat with one of the world's true Known Griefers.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
You say GONAD!! I say DOS: A Resident Evil 4 HD Review

Top 5: Superhero Games
Next week is the release of Batman: Arkham City. To celebrate, Chris takes a look back at some of his favorite games featuring muscular men in spandex. Besides Wrestlemania 2000.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wednesday Morning News Explosion!
It seems like the gaming gods have conspired to make sure you have plenty to read about this morning. At least three major news stories have hit the press, and it's only 9 AM as I write this.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Hotness of the Week: Extra Spicy!
I know I always say that big things are brewing here at KGB, but ho man! Just you wait and see! These are very exciting times! Read on for the Hotness! Also, there's an announcement concerning our contest. (Spoiler alert- it's canceled! Just kidding! It's fine!)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Hey guys! EA did that thing you wanted...*UPDATED*
You know that RPG series BioWare has been putting out this generation? The one in space. Mass Effect, yeah that's it! Well, EA has heard your demands and they've decided to add multiplayer to Mass Effect 3! Confirmed today by PC PowerPlay and OXM magazines, you'll get the chance to fly the Normandy with all your buds this winter. Grab some 'Dew and Doritos, bro, cuz we're playing Team Deathmatch all night!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
KGB Radio Episode 3: Battlefield Free
KGB Radio Episode 3 is here! Strap in for what is sure to be a downright hoot and a half! Podcast, engage!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Top 5: Brutal Melee Combat in Games
Ever since we've been able to hold an object in our hands, it has been our compulsion to hit stuff with said object. As we grew up and started playing video games, that has meant bashing zombie skulls, braining drug addicts, and sometimes punching a horse to death. Here we celebrate the Top 5 games with the most brutal melee combat. Read on as we explore man's compulsion to beat the life out of things in games!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Hotness of The Week- Buckle Up!
Seems like every week's a big week here at KGB, doesn't it? Well, that's because we're always working on bringing you new stuff. Take a peek at what's going on this week! (ooooo that rhymed!)
Monday, October 3, 2011
SURPRISE LOVE from Surpriselove
We've started getting some rather amusing messages from a man who calls himself "Surpriselove." We have no idea what these messages are, what purpose they serve, or if Surpriselove even knows what this site is about. But we've decided to share them, one a week, with all of you. For your viewing pleasure. I guess.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
KGB Radio Episode 2: Podcast, The Return!
After taking a week to absorb some feedback about KGB Radio Episode 1, we're back with a (hopefully) more refined show! Oh, and we brought a contest with us! Prep your ear holes, 'cause we're about to fill 'em!
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